TITAGARH FIREMA has contracted to PIANFEI COMPOSITI the supply of Driver’s Cab Mock-Up for the CircumEtnea Railway (FCE).
The technical specifications requires the construction of a scale model in order to evaluate the ergonomics of the driver’s cab (arrangement to the equipment, cockpit, pilot seat, visibility cone, assistant’s seat, etc.), so the Mock-Up will represent realistically the characteristics of the cabin and control desk environment in terms of visual aesthetics, space available for the occupants when positioned at their place and more generally space available for their movements.
The validation of the Mock-Up project is expected by the beginning of December 2020, and the Mock-Up will be made available for final acceptance by TFA at end of May 2021.
Titagarh Firema Spa (TFA) is an Italian company that belongs 100% to the worldwide Titagarh Group; TFA was born on 14/07/2015 to take over the leadership of Firema Trasporti.
TFA owns two industrial complexes: Caserta (where headquarters are located) and Potenza.
TFA deals with the design and construction of high-speed trains, electric locomotives, EMUs, DMUs, passenger carriages, subways and trams.